Dispersion of the spectral function¶
# Author: Óscar Nájera
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import dmft.common as gf
import dmft.dimer as dimer
import dmft.ipt_imag as ipt
from dmft.plot import plot_band_dispersion
def loop_u_tp(u_range, tprange, beta, seed='mott gap'):
tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(dict(BETA=beta, N_MATSUBARA=max(5 * beta, 256)))
giw_d, giw_o = dimer.gf_met(w_n, 0., 0., 0.5, 0.)
if seed == 'mott gap':
giw_d, giw_o = 1 / (1j * w_n + 4j / w_n), np.zeros_like(w_n) + 0j
giw_s = []
sigma_iw = []
iterations = []
for u_int, tp in zip(u_range, tprange):
giw_d, giw_o, loops = dimer.ipt_dmft_loop(
beta, u_int, tp, giw_d, giw_o, tau, w_n)
giw_s.append((giw_d, giw_o))
g0iw_d, g0iw_o = dimer.self_consistency(
1j * w_n, 1j * giw_d.imag, giw_o.real, 0., tp, 0.25)
siw_d, siw_o = ipt.dimer_sigma(u_int, tp, g0iw_d, g0iw_o, tau, w_n)
sigma_iw.append((siw_d.copy(), siw_o.copy()))
return np.array(giw_s), np.array(sigma_iw), w_n
def plot_greenfunct(w, gfunc, title, ylabel, ax=None):
if ax is None:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(w, gfunc.real, label=r'$\Re e$' + ylabel)
ax.plot(w, -gfunc.imag, label=r'$-\Im m$' + ylabel)
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel + r'$(\omega)$')
ax.set_ylim([-3, 3])
return ax
def plot_pole_eq(w, gf, sig, title):
plt.plot(w, sig.imag, label=r'$\Im m \Sigma$')
plt.plot(w, (1 / gf).real, label=r'$\Re e G^{-1}$')
plt.plot(w, -gf.imag, label='DOS')
plt.ylim([-3, 3])
def plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, ur, tp, w_n, w, w_set):
for U, (giw_d, giw_o), (sig_d, sig_o) in zip(ur, giw_s, sigma_iw):
gs, ga = dimer.pade_diag(giw_d, giw_o, w_n, w_set, w)
ss, sa = dimer.pade_diag(sig_d, sig_o, w_n, w_set, w)
gst = gf.semi_circle_hiltrans(
w - tp - (ss.real - 1j * np.abs(ss.imag)))
lat_gfs = 1 / np.add.outer(-eps_k, w - tp + 5e-3j - ss)
lat_gfa = 1 / np.add.outer(-eps_k, w + tp + 5e-3j - sa)
#Aw = np.clip(-.5 * (lat_gfa + lat_gfs).imag / np.pi, 0, 2)
Aw = np.clip(-lat_gfs.imag / np.pi, 0, 2)
title = r'IPT lattice dimer $U={}$, $t_\perp={}$, $\beta={}$'.format(
U, tp, BETA)
ax = plot_greenfunct(w, gs, title, r'$G$')
plot_greenfunct(w, gst, title, r'$G$', ax)
plot_greenfunct(w, 1 / (w - tp - .25 * gst), title, r'$G0$', ax)
ax = plot_greenfunct(w, ss, title, r'$\Sigma$')
plot_pole_eq(w, gst, ss, title)
plot_band_dispersion(w, Aw, title, eps_k)
urange = [1.5, 2., 2.175, 2.5, 3.]
BETA = 100.
tp = 0.3
giw_s, sigma_iw, w_n = loop_u_tp(urange, tp * np.ones_like(urange), BETA, "M")
w = np.linspace(-4, 4, 800)
eps_k = np.linspace(-1., 1., 61)
w_set = np.concatenate((np.arange(100), np.arange(100, 200, 2)))
plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, urange, tp, w_n, w, w_set)
[171 109 94 75 42]
tp = 0.3
urange = [0, .5, 1, 2.175, 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 5.]
giw_s, sigma_iw, w_n = loop_u_tp(
urange, tp * np.ones_like(urange), BETA)
eps_k = np.linspace(-1., 1., 61)
plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, urange, tp, w_n, w, w_set)
[308 197 178 102 75 42 18 10 8]
tp = 0.5
urange = [0, .5, 2.175, 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 5.]
giw_s, sigma_iw, w_n = loop_u_tp(
urange, tp * np.ones_like(urange), BETA)
eps_k = np.linspace(-1., 1., 61)
plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, urange, tp, w_n, w, w_set)
[275 191 70 17 11 10 9 8]
tp = 0.8
urange = [0, .5, 1.2, 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 5.]
giw_s, sigma_iw, w_n = loop_u_tp(
urange, tp * np.ones_like(urange), BETA)
eps_k = np.linspace(-1., 1., 61)
plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, urange, tp, w_n, w, w_set)
[185 136 48 25 14 10 9 8 7 7]
tp = 0.95
urange = [0, .5, 1.2, 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 5.]
giw_s, sigma_iw, w_n = loop_u_tp(
urange, tp * np.ones_like(urange), BETA)
eps_k = np.linspace(-1., 1., 61)
plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, urange, tp, w_n, w, w_set)
#urange = [3.2]
#beta = 100.
#tp = 0.2
# giw_s, sigma_iw, w_n = loop_u_tp(
# urange, tp * np.ones_like(urange), beta)
#w = np.linspace(-8, 8, 1600)
#w_set = np.concatenate((np.arange(80), np.arange(90, 140, 25)))
#eps_k = np.linspace(-2., 1., 61)
#ss, gs = plot_dispersions(giw_s, sigma_iw, urange, tp, w_n, w, w_set)
#tau, w_n = gf.tau_wn_setup(dict(BETA=beta, N_MATSUBARA=max(5 * beta, 256)))
#tp = 0.2
# g0iw_d, g0iw_o = dimer.self_consistency(
# 1j * w_n, giw_s[0], giw_s[0], 0., tp, 0.25)
#siw_d, siw_o = ipt.dimer_sigma(urange[0], tp, g0iw_d, g0iw_o, tau, w_n)
#giw_d, giw_o = dimer.dimer_dyson(g0iw_d, g0iw_o, siw_d, siw_o)
# g0iw_d, g0iw_o = dimer.self_consistency(
# 1j * w_n, giw_s[0], giw_s[0], 0., tp, 0.25)
#siw_d, siw_o = ipt.dimer_sigma(urange[0], tp, g0iw_d, g0iw_o, tau, w_n)
# ss, gs = plot_dispersions(
# np.array([giw_d, giw_o]), np.array([siw_d, siw_o]), urange, tp, w_n, w,
# w_set)
[95 62 21 16 12 10 8 7 7 6]
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 29.589 seconds)